The Queen Creek Fire & Medical Department (the QCCIFD contract service provider) would like to share with you improvements to the fire and emergency medical services (EMS) being initiated this budget year. These improvements will significantly enhance the delivery of fire and EMS throughout the Town of Queen Creek and the QCCIFD. The improvements to the fire and EMS delivery system include three components that will improve emergency response efficiency and matching the significant growth seen in Queen Creek. First, improvements will be made to the existing Fire Station 412 by upgrading the facilities at that location.  Next, a new facility to replace the existing Fire Station 411 in the downtown area of Queen Creek; the existing facility is no longer conducive in providing safe, effective emergency response services.  Lastly, a new fire station is proposed and will be strategically located at Sossaman and Queen Creek Roads to improve emergency services in this part of Queen Creek experiencing a high volume of emergency calls.

Starting with the fiscal year 2015 / 2016 budget (beginning July 1, 2015) the Town of Queen Creek has initiated a 10 year plan for capital improvements necessary to support the improvements for the Town and District’s fire and EMS delivery system. Additionally, the 2015 / 2016 budget also provides a one-time reimbursement payment to the Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System, which will result in reduced firefighter pension system costs in future years. While QCCIFD property owners and Town residents will see an increase in property taxes paid for fire and EMS, the result will be substantive improvements which will improve Queen Creek Fire & Medical Department’s ability to protect the community. The Queen Creek Fire & Medical Department will continue to dedicate our efforts to provide for the safety and welfare of our community.

Property Tax Calculation
Example: $300,000 [Limited Property Value] x .1 [or 10%] = $30,000 [Assessed Value ] then, $30,000 [Assessed Value]/100 x $2.2352  = $670.56